Dimension 2


Therefore, it is first and foremost through a transparent definition of the roles and responsibilities of each participant to a specific web franchising forum, and of the changes brought to this elementary “who does what”, that a collaborative CMS is to be conceptually locked upwards with a view to the achievement of the declared target objectives.

In order to enable and foster self-orientation inside the network, the NetPlusUltra® web franchising codex further requires that all data collected from the user through a form field upon registration (3) must be restituted to the franchisee in the form of a network directory service ([4], [5]).


Further reading
(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/status
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/responsibility
(3) https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/affiliation/
(4) https://www.net-plus-ultra.eu
(5) https://www.net-plus-ultra.global

1 Response

  1. Please review the entire moderation codex as presented in the eight pages of the Feedback menu before publishing a contribution.

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